Gottseidank from Munich reinterprets traditional costume fashion. In times of globalisation, traditional costume conveys textile messages of individuality and identity, the unique and the local, the authentic and the lived. Modernizing Tracht requires an understanding of historical as well as contemporary influences and developments. A conscious and authentic understanding of traditional costume not only leads to the preservation of passed on values and techniques, but also to their substantial further development, which can be groundbreaking and formative.
The combination of futurism and the past are the determining and promoting components of one and the same path. It is about a reciprocal relationship between the proven, the present and the future. Gottseidank identifies itself with the history and tradition of traditional costume and wants to remain faithful to it.
The credo of Gottseidank is to create a traditional costume that meets historical demands and at the same time meets the needs of today’s urban society. Gottseidank is not interested in reinventing the traditional costume, but in developing it authentically in today’s context. In the end, the meaning of traditional costume remains unfathomable. Each wearer has his or her own personality. Thank God we want to give impulses to this personality with our costume creations.